Wednesday, May 12, 2010


I think I need to get in the habit of using my Calandar on my blackberry. I keep missing critical appointments cuz I wrote them down but didn't update my blackberry. Needless to say being a bit forgetful isn't helpful.

"Sent wirelessly from Iffi Iftikhar's Blackberry"

Monday, May 10, 2010

Doing alright

This is somewhat insane. I come home everyday from work and all I really feel like doing is watch some TV after I'm done watering my plants and cleaning my front and backyard. Now... Most people would say, you need to get a girl... Dude.. U should check out my bride to be... U won't be saying the same. I'll leave it at that.

Beside everything else. Gardening is a pretty decent out door activity guys.. I'm out in the sun and I get to make things look good. And the rose bushes, that I've been working on, are coming around nicely. I like it. So. For all u haters. U can suck on a door knob.
"Sent wirelessly from Iffi Iftikhar's Blackberry"

Sunday, May 09, 2010


I'm considering a change. I'm noticing that I'm updating my blog on a regular basis then I might as well change the way it looks. It has had the same face and feel as it was about 3 years ago and I'm somewhat bored of it.

So... What do you think... Should it be something flashy or should it be something dark and mysterious... Yeah... Like I need any of that. Honestly.. If I could ever find a decent picture of mine, I would just put that in the background (left corner maybe) and get it over with but then again... I don't need more stockers... I'm happy with just 5...

So. Either I have to design a brand new background and create a new layout for this blog or maybe I need to.. Ehem ehem... "Borough" a background from someone else. Hmmm.. A 'not so easy' choice I have to make here.

*thinking really really hard now*
*Thinking out loud now*

2 hours later: Darn it. If only I wasn't so picky about it. *crying on the inside*.
"Sent wirelessly from Iffi Iftikhar's Blackberry"

Saturday, May 08, 2010

The unwanted pickle

It seems to me that in somewhat of a pickle. I mean seriously. How hard is it to figure out which phone u wanna buy next and who should be the service provider. But it looks like I'm gonna have to make a decision that could render my current blackberry pretty much useless.

On one hand I'm use to having the very first blackberry touch smart phone (which I'm quite fond of.. Seriously.. Can't put it down). And on the other hand I have blackberry bold 9700 that I can get from Rogers at $550 plus taxes. Now... Normally there isn't a 3rd hand but in my case... Well.. You know me... On the other, other hand, I have the new storm 2.

Here's where I'm having the need to mention the pickle. Storm or the first storm is what I possess and I have never had a reason to hate this phone, especially when there is absolutely nothing wrong with this device (except maybe the WiFi that's missing) and normally I would just keep using it except that this device is set up with Bell Mobility. Even thou it is unlocked now, I'm unable to use my blackberry to access the internet when I'm on Rogers network (which I'm planning to use considering Bell's coverage inside my house simply sucks. Among other places where I need it.) Now, normally that wouldn't be too much of a concern for someone who doesn't care for or feel the need for having data access on their device, but since I can't live without access to information on the web, and I don't intend on paying bell mobility $120 per month. I don't think it would work for me.

Since I'm stuck with this problem of "access denied", I have to buy a device that allows me to use the internet on the Rogers Network. That leaves me with blackberry bold 9700 from Rogers. Now. Here's a device that solves my WiFi problem. Its faster than my Storm. Its lighter. It runs on OS 5.0 and the OS gets updated regularly. Which is really good. The only thing it doesn't have is touch screen. Everything else is perfect about this phone. But the one thing that I really don't want is to NOT have a touchscreen phone. Which is probably the only reason why I still haven't bought this phone yet. And buying this phone means end of my Storm.

The other, other phone is Storm 2. Its the one phone that takes care of absolutely every single thing (if you're going to suggest IPHONE, I'm warning you... Back the hell off!!! I never cared of iphone and I'm not about to start now). The most unfortunate part is that this phone is yet again from Bell Mobility. Which means I end up back in the same boat as I am right now. A phone that I love with the wrong network and a higher monthly bill.

Bell mobility or Telus mobility provides me with CDMA network that simply doesn't cut it for me. I'm serious guys... I don't live in a rural area, I live in Toronto, ON. And this a hugely populated area with millions of people using all sort of providers. Considering the fact that CDMA is a very secure network and might be a reliable network if you're in an area where no one else has had the time to install their GSM tower, with Bell Mobility's CDMA network I've had more dropped calls in an hour than I have had with GSM and EDGE and HSPA and 2G and 3G combined in one year. Now... What does that tell you? Seriously... Need a hint?

Coming back to the original issue. Storm vs 9700 vs Storm 2. Bell vs Rogers. Paying $120 vs $50. Now some of you will say 'save the freakin' money. Some will say buy Storm 2 and use Bell's GSM network. And then some of you will say F*** OFF cuz I bashed the IPHONE. (honestly the phone's just for people who have nothing better to do then playing games and checking out the apple app store for over priced apps that entertain you for a while and then u move on to the next one. Buy a freakin' PSP already or get a better game console)

I haven't made a decision as of yet. So I don't know what I'll be getting. Switching providers is not easy when u have to pay $400+ in cancellation fees. And paying 60 to 70 dollars more every single month. Hmmm... Some how that doesn't sit well with me. Anyway. I'll let u know.

"Sent wirelessly from Iffi Iftikhar's Blackberry"

Friday, May 07, 2010

Here comes the rant.

This is one of those boring rants and there isn't much that I wanna yap about into this post. Its been almost 3 days since I've been sleeping for mog more than 4 hours before heading out to work. Now, normally I would complain a lot about thid but then again I have been having a bit of good run at work regarding my sales. Well... Its better than the results I had last months.

With the shift I had and the type of calls I was getting from 4 to midnight, I couldn't even make it to 60% to target. Which, considering how many people they have let go in the last 2 months, wasn't much of a motivator. And now that they have changed commission structure and some of the restrictions they have set up to make sure no one's making any money on their sales, I'm gonna have to try a lot harder.

On a different note, I've started taking care of the plants in my front yard. I haven't done anything remarkable with them as of yet. Only thing I have started doing is watering them. I'm trying to revive some of the dying rose bushes, along with some of the other plants. I'm hoping that once I've learned how to take care of the roses, I'll be introducing some more rose bushes in my front yard. I do have full intention of working on my backyard I just need to start with something small.

If I could ever build enough courage to show you guys the pictures of my backyard, you'll be screaming at me for such neglect. But hey... That's not actually my creation. It looks a lot better compared to what it was like when I got it. Ahh Jesus... What a mess that was. I still have to kill off all the weeds. I still need to fix the ground (most likely introduce some dirt and fresh soil there). Clean up the entire backyard and mow the grass and throw out the crap that I don't even need even for any scrap project.

I'm still finding it hard to even start this little project of mine. I'm going to call it 'The Backyard Project' yeah I know, that's inventive.

I want to start this as soon as a possible but I can only do this a little bit at a time. And that's not because I know almost nothing about gardening and landscapiny. Even if I was a professional, thing isn't gonna be fixed in one or two days. This will probably take me over 2 weeks of constant work just to clean up and make a layout of what its going to look like. Once it's cleared of all that isn't suppose to be there, I'll start up the actual gardening. I wonder when that will happen.
"Sent wirelessly from Iffi Iftikhar's Blackberry"

Sunday, May 02, 2010

A non-thrilling, thrilling moment

Hmmm. Based on what I've understood in my meeting with my manager, I might be getting a bigger bonus on my paychecks. Why am I not excited?
"Sent wirelessly from Iffi Iftikhar's Blackberry"

Saturday, May 01, 2010

Here comes another one

I'm one of those guys that you call 'night owls'. I've been like this for the last 10 years. I don't even remember the last time I was in the habit of waking up early. No matter what I've tried in the past. I always end up awake at night time and sleepy during the day. Funny thing is that I've known a lot of people like that in my life. Now, normally, its not that much of a biggie. But in 2 days this will become a problem for me.

In 2 days time I'm starting my new shift at Rogers. I start my shift at 8:30AM lasting till 4:30PM. Now I'm a bit concerned. How on earth I'm going to manage that. I had a hard time with a 11:30AM shift. Problem was waking up early enough to be at work and then actually staying awake during work hours. Now this shift is starting a lot earlier than what I'm use to.

I guess the only way to do this properly is to stay up all night for the first shift and then not hitting te bed till the time is right. Which would be around 9PM. My only concern right now is that I talk to Benish after midnight. Which I won't be able to do anymore. Normally time adjustment isn't a big deal when u wanna talk to someone over the phone but the 11 hour time difference truly sucks for me cuz she's in Pakistan.

My thumbs are getting tired of typing so I'm gonna call it a night. Since its easier for me to use my blackberry for blogging, twittering and emailing, I think I'll be doing this on regular basis. I hope I haven't been out of touch for too freakin' long. And Yes! I've missed u guys too.
"Sent wirelessly from Iffi Iftikhar's Blackberry"

Canadian long distance plans. What a mouse trap.

I'm really getting frustrated with this whole long distance calling and paying an arm and a leg for it. Every single time I call my fiancé I have to go through bad connections, scratchy sounds, and multiple disconnects. I mean in all seriousness, why can't the Canadian phone companies come up with better long distance plans that people like me can use.

Don't get me wrong. Every freakin' company got some kind of plan but if you value your house and your car and you don't want them to be taken away from you, you better stay away from them. The rates are so freakin' that you are left with no other choice but to use calling card companies. Like the one I'm using., whose service is terrible but the rates are affordable.

There are so many people here who call Pakistan but none of them ever uses an L.D. Plans from these major companies because they know what they will end up paying. So they are left with quantity of minutes versus quality of talk time. No one prefers using calling cards but what can you really but accept the monopoly of these telecommunications giants who will not get off their high horses to help out those who work for a living.

I work for one the biggest telecommunication company here in Canada. And being one the employees here I get discounted rates for the services. On my end, I'm suppose to promote my company and be a representation and example for the community. But here's the rub. Even after the discounts and privileges, l still can't afford the prices. Now what does that tell you about these international long distance plans that these Canadian carriers are offering.

My fiancé tell me she pays 2 rupees for every 1 minute of talk time. That's 60 minutes for 120 rupees. Do you know much that is for 1 hour in Canadian dollars? Less than 1.25 dollars. And she gets that without having any special L.D. Plan on her cell phone. In 1.25 dollars I'll get less than 5 minutes. And that's on the best available plan with any Canadian telecommunications company. How fucked up is that?

I'm really getting tired of spending crazy amounts of money while companies like bell and Rogers and Telus are creating billions of dollars worth of revenue off of people like me and you who just wants to talk to their loved ones. Think. How preposterous is that?

Needless to say that me ranting about this is not going to bring even a shred of change to those who are profiting from our needs. And it simply doesn't make me feel any better that I'm not the only one stuck in the same mouse trap.
"Sent wirelessly from Iffi Iftikhar's Blackberry"