Sunday, January 14, 2007

Chat me a shiver...

iffi says:
I don't know what's mine and what's not.. every thing I believed to be mine was taken away from me as if it was never meant to be close to me.. and everything that has ever been given to me or came my way has never felt like it's mine....
iffi says:
where do I belong I don't know.. where do I stand... I don't know.. I don't even know how I still have the strength to be on my feet yet I'm standing.. surviving.. living and swimming the ocean of rocks and blades... how long will I last.. that is the rub for all.. they don't even know that there's anything wrong... too blind I guess... glamour of the fake smiles and pretentions...
iffi says:
the morals that combat with the existence of this world barely apply to me anymore.. I simply fail to see the point in being polite or nice or reasonable with the world that surrounds me. There isn't a fact that could contradict the thoughts I have carved inside my head... there isn't a person who reasons with me and convince me.. I tend to give them the satisfaction that there point has been
iffi says:
understood.. but they fail to understand that it is also dismissed for I am the one they call Mr. Know it All. They can think that I'm too full of my self.. but that is what they think.. they missed the whole point....
The end. says:
The end. says:
mr know it all sux
The end. says:
cuz wen u hafta ask smthng, there's nobody to answer it for you
iffi says:
there isn't anything that I want to ask anyone anymore... for the simplest of reasons.. no one has any answers...
iffi says:
we all carry questions with us that weigh us down and break our backs.. we carry that baggage with us thinking that the world will someday give us one or a few answers... but when that notion fails we start to believe in the Spiritual Entity that we call God... and then we claim that He is the one with the answers so we might continue living the way we are and carry the same baggage with us till
iffi says:
the end of times... for there is no answer for us in the life... maybe in the afterlife... but not the physical one..

Monday, January 08, 2007

Ramblings of the new year

Another year has begun.. What's so new about it? nothing... nothing at all... I've noticed a few things here and there... seen a few faces that have changed... heard from people that once stopped talking and now I'm thinking.. what the hell? what is this new year for?

I'm standing at a crossroad where different paths lead me to different destinations but what is the destination that I must choose? I don't know... I regretfully don't know...

She's back in my life once again.. where do we stand.. I don't know... do I want to know? I don't know... The only thing I know for certain is that I'm confused and lost.. there was a time when being lost didn't make any difference in my life... it was a normal thing... but now I don't see the point of being in this position.

Riddle me this... riddle me that... riddle me what ever u can... I don't have any answers for you.. I don't want to answer any more questions.. I don't want to dwell on things that have made others wonder and I don't want to be Mr. Know It All.. I rather be just normal and fade away with time then to be a freakin' geneous and not be able to figure out whats going on...

Let it be they say.. it's life they say... wow... what a stupid answer to any question.