Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Guilt Train..

Ok. Here I am coming home after working like crazy for the last 3 days and I sit down to check my mail and guess what I find. Emails and messages from some misguided minds who do have the concept of writing down things, but they don't exactly know what their true meanings are.

Skimming to the part where things started to intrigue me is the concept that most of the women in the world are familiar with. Some of them even acknowledge it and most of them don't.. "What's with the girls and their guilt train?" yes.. "Guilt Train". That's what I call it. The methods and efforts of women to make men feel guilty by constantly dwelling on something to make it work in their favor. I wonder what the history books hold in side them. Do they have any documented events that shows this phenomenon of how this would have started out. Has this been happening since the beginning of man kind? Or is it something that started out just recently when women finally got most of the world to acknowledge their equality? It sounds like an interesting subject to write about as an article for my mag. "Women and their methods to make men feel guilty even if they aren't."

I wonder who should I assign this subject to. If I wrote on this subject then it's a guy's opinion. Then it doesn't hold much water. But.. If I assign this subject to a woman. Hmmm.. Now that's something to think about. Oh by the way.. Don't start thinking that something is actually making me feel guilty.. Trust me.. I don't. I don't see the point of feeling like that when I know that I have nothing to feel guilty about. Well.. Maybe one thing. Being honest about what you feel.

Hmmm... Being honest about what someone feels... Now that's another thought. Do people do that now a days? Or do they keep everything inside bottled up, and pretend that every thing is fine just because they didn't wanted to hurt someone's feelings.. Well.. It's an interesting subject but I don't really believe it need my devotion at the moment. Not right now anyway. Because like always, I have some other things to take care of. The only thing I would say on this particular subject is what I always say.. "I rather be honest than deceptive". And if that hurts someone. Well.. Then I guess they should have never engaged a conversation with someone who doesn't believe in sugar-coating this world and present it in a tray with some side dish of lies, contrary to what some people think.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Good with Bad..

"I wonder how it feels like to fly so free as a bird the open and uncharted sky? I wonder how superman feels like when he's gliding in the wind.. But when I think about -40C in February of this country, I dont feel like I even wanna thiink about it. Who in the right mind would want to fly at that temprature?"

Another senario.. A guy sits down with his girl friend. The night is young, full moon shining at it's glory while the wind tickles the leaves the the tree behind the bench they're siting on and give u the silent breaking yet very contained music of the leaves clapping their hands in an unusual harmony. :) He looks her eyes... oh those beautiful deep eyes.. gaurded by those long and sheltering eye lashes... and he says.. "my dog threw up this morning when I tried cleaning his teeth. "

Above are two perfect examples of how to ruin a good thing by thinking about a bad one right beside it. Sometimes, somethings gets linked with some things and even the most of the beautiful moment gets ruined. I'm sure people have others just like that. But then again...

Friday, September 23, 2005

Why? Why Not!!!

Someone asked me why I place lyrics on my blog.. Um... first... those lyrics are usually explaining what I'm feeling at that particular time.. so... Thats one reason.. 2nd reason.. It's my blog. I do whatever I feel like with it..

The Differences...

A few moments ago.. I was having a discussion or more of an aurgument with someone regarding keeping differences alive based on religion. My personal view on that is that it's sickening.. To see people still having that jammed up mentality that u can't even be friends with people of other religions.. or have any association..

I'm surprised that watching the world turn into a global village and become more familiar with each other is bothering some people. How the hell does that work? Insted of apreciating that the world which is more connected and have learned more about the distant brothers and sisters that were aliens to them for such a long time u prefer to keep the lame differences just because some jack ass who cant wipe his ass on his own tells u that God doesn't permit it? If u wanna talk about God then when in the hell did God gave anyone the permission to judge anyone in the first place? People who commit crimes in the name of God and say that this is what God wanted us to do.. I think they are as lame as a fucked up bum who's high on drugs all the time.. There is NO Man who has the right to kill another even in the name of God. And if u support and upraise the differences that people have in this world based on religion. Then I guess you would support people killing people in the name of religion as well.. And if thats the case.. Well.. u need theropy and need to be locked up for good. People with that mentality shouldn't be allowed to be part of this world that they can't let live in peace.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

mujh say kahay...

mujh say Kahay....
Ek JalPari
Doob Jaanay Do..
Jal Mein Kaheen..
Dil Ki Lage
Kehnay Lage
Ruk Jaanay Do
Teher Jaanay Do
Jal Mein Kaheen
So Jaanay Do
Chup Jaanay Do
Lehrom Mein Kaheen
Duub Jaanay Do
Shor Na Karo
Yaron Aankh Hai Lagi
Behel Jaanay Do Yaar
Jal Mein Kaheen
O Re Piya Kehta Jiya
Tu Hain Kahan
Mein Yun Yahaan

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Ehsaas by Atif Aslam.

Alright.. 2 days ago someone asked me to sing something from Atif Aslam's Album. Paticularly the song called Ehsaas. I must say.. I didn't really had any previous encounter with that song so I had to decline. I kinna felt bad for doing that. So when I came home I started looking for the song and the guitar tabs.. Unfortunately... There was absolutely no tabs there non what so ever for this song. :) so I picked up my guitar and started working on the chords.. Anyways.. this is what I came up with{with a little help of maryam}.. Works fine for me..

Mein Aik Fard Hoon
Ya Ek Ehsaas Hoon
Mein Ik jism Hoon
Ya Rooh Ki Pyaas Hoon

Kay such ki Talaash Hai..
Duur Aakaash Hai
Manzil Paas Nahi..
Kya Tu Mere Paas Hai

Kabhi Main Amal Hoon..
Kabhi Bay Amal Hoon
Gar Tujh Mein Nahi..
To Phir Bay Mehal Hoon

Kay such ki Talaash Hai..
Duur Aakaash Hai
Manzil Paas Nahi..
Kya Tu Mere Paas Hai

If anyone whats to play along with them.. be my guest. OR if u got any suggestions. Sure go for it. This is the link to the song.

Have fun.